OTM Installation Steps
[oraotm@server database]$ ./runInstaller
2.a) Install and configure database.
[oraotm@server ~]$ vi .bash_profile
export ORACLE_BASE=/otm/oracle
export ORACLE_SID=otmdb
export ORACLE_HOME=/otm/oracle/product/11.2.0
[oraotm@server dbs]$ orapwd file='$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwotmdb' password=sys entries=5 force=y;
Edit listener.ora and tnsnames.ora as per document "The listener supports no services"
[oraotm@server ~]$ lsnrctl start otmdb
Make sure that system user connect with manager password.
2.b) Install oracle database client software(
Refer this pdf : Install_OTM_on_OEL5.2_64bit.pdf
3. Install Oracle Weblogic Server(10.3.6). Don't configure(ie) uncheck quick start
[oraotm@server /]$ java -jar wls1036_generic.jar
4. Install and configure Oracle HTTP Server( or called as WebTier. For that refer "http://www.otmfaq.com/forums/blogs/josephliang/27-install-otm-6-3-1-windows-8.html" (or) OTM installation on RHEL5.4_64bit
[oraotm@server Disk1]$ ./runInstaller
uncheck "Associate Selected Components with WebLogic Domain" and "Web cache domain" options.
OHS Component Name : otm631
5. Install OTM(6.3.1) as per the Install_OTM_on_OEL5.2_64bit.pdf
APPS Server Installation
[oraotm@server /]$ ./otmv631_linux.bin
Webserver External port, Webserverport -> 7777 (Must match with OHS port(OHS Installation))
Webserver External FQDN,Webserver FQDN,Appserver FQDN -> server.yantro.com
Appserver port -> 7001, DB server FQDN -> server.yantro.com, DB port -> 1525, DB connect string -> otmdb.yantro.com, DB service name -> otmdb.yantro.com
Oracle home for DB client -> /otm/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1, user prefix -> /
Weblogic BEA home path -> /otm/Middleware/wlserver_10.3
Appserver ip address ->, Appserver path -> /otm/Middleware/wlserver_10.3, Appserver memory -> 2048, APP SSL port -> 7002, App laucher port -> 32001
Weblogic system password -> manager
App-to-Web authentication password -> Welcome123
OTM user name -> oraotm
OTM group name -> dba
OTM user home -> /home/oraotm
Migration -> no
Integration -> oracle EBS
WEB Server Installation
[oraotm@server /]$ ./otmv631_linux.bin
Webserver External port, Webserverport -> 7777 (Must match with OHS port(OHS Installation))
Webserver External FQDN,Webserver FQDN,Appserver FQDN -> server.yantro.com
Appserver port -> 7001, DB server FQDN -> server.yantro.com, DB port -> 1525, DB connect string -> otmdb.yantro.com, DB service name -> otmdb.yantro.com
Oracle home for DB client -> /otm/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1, user prefix -> /
Webserver ip address ->, Web SSL port -> 443, Tomcat port -> 8009, Tomcat shutdown port -> 8007, OHS Weblogic home path -> /otm/Middleware/Oracle_WT1
Tomcat memory -> 2048, OHS Server path -> /otm/Middleware/wlserver_10.3, OHS Instance home -> /otm/Middleware/Oracle_WT1/nstances/instance1, OHS component name -> otm631, Web laucher port -> 32000
Weblogic system password -> manager
App-to-Web authentication password -> Welcome123
OTM user name -> oraotm
OTM group name -> dba
OTM user home -> /home/oraotm
Migration -> no
Integration -> oracle EBS
Patch for Weblogic server
Apply recommended patchset for weblogic server 10.3.6 using following method.
[oraotm@server /]$ cd /otm/Middleware/utils/bsu
[oraotm@server bsu]$ ./bsu.sh Then close the opening window-> This will create directory /otm/Middleware/utils/bsu/cache_dir
Login to the oracle.support.com
click patches and update -> Recommended Patch Advisor ->
In that, Product= oracle weblogic server, release= 10.3.6, platform= linux x86_64
It will show patch details -> install that patchset using readme.txt
Now that weblogic_patch.jar will present and issue resolved.
[oraotm@server bsu]$ ./bsu.sh
[oraotm@server bsu]$ ./bsu.sh -install -patch_download_dir=/otm/Middleware/utils/bsu/cache_dir -patchlist=D33T -prod_dir=/otm/Middleware/wlserver_10.3
OTM Installation with Database Server
We need to configure database with OTM using install.pdf of OTM 6.3, Follow the below steps
alter system set Open_cursors = 4000 scope=both;
alter system set db_16k_cache_size = 104857600 scope=both;
cd <otm_install_path>/glog/oracle/script8
sqlplus '/as sysdba'
echo $ORACLE_SID -> otmdb
echo $NLS_LANG -> American_America.UTF8
cd <otm_install_path>/glog/oracle/script8
This script creates following OTM users.
Script will also prompt for the password
for each user which will be used during
create user step.
Make sure that OTM tablespaces have been already created.
If not, hit Ctrl + C to exit this script
Press Enter to continue
Enter Connection ID:
Enter value for 1: otmdb
Enter user name (Other than SYS user) who can create new users(Press Enter for default of SYSTEM):
Enter value for 2: system
Enter password for this user:
Enter value for 3: manager
Enter password for user SYS to login as SYSDBA:
Enter value for 4: sys
Enter password for user ARCHIVE:
Enter value for 5: ARCHIVE
Enter password for user GLOGDBA:
Enter value for 6: GLOGDBA
Enter password for user GLOGOWNER:
Enter value for 7: GLOGOWNER
Enter password for user GLOGLOAD:
Enter value for 8: GLOGLOAD
Enter password for user REPORTOWNER:
Enter value for 9: REPORTOWNER
Enter password for user GLOBALREPORTUSER:
Enter value for 10: GLOBALREPORTUSER
Now user creation successful.....
Give 777 Permission for All the files including ORACLE_HOME,WL_HOME,GLOG_HOME
Eg : root@server # chmod -R 777 /otm
Edit the import_content.sh file from "sqlplus glogowner/glogowner@$SQLPLUS_CONN @post_import_content.sql >> $LOG_FILE" to "sqlplus GLOGOWNER/GLOGOWNER@$SQLPLUS_CONN @post_import_content.sql >> $LOG_FILE"
[oracle@server dbs]$ cd <otm_install_path>/glog/oracle/script8
First update the system and guest users with CHANGEME password.(USING 1549075.1)
Use following Query,
[oraotm5@server script8]$ java glog.util.appclass.Base64Encoding CHANGEME
[oraotm5@server script8]$ vi /otm/otm/tomcat/bin/tomcat.conf
[oraotm5@server script8]$ vi /otm/otm/weblogic/weblogic.conf
Then restart Apps and Web server. Now working fine. Now OTM login page displayed.
Security settings :
Refer ID : 1549075.1
If you have doubt, Refer "OTM installation on RHEL5.4_64bit"
Hi Guna Sekhar
ReplyDeletethis is tirupathi when i am installation otm on windows server 2008 so after completion of installation and unable to login into the otm login page so below error was come, pls suggest to me if you have any solution's
Error: HTTP Status 503 - Servlet glog.webserver.servlet.umt.Login is currently unavailable
Could you please also elaborate what need to be put into ./update_password.sh when executing the update_password file.